Where do our funds come from?
NEW Investor Services brochure!
Click for digital brochure to read online or print: Investor Services brochure
Demand Variable Rate Bonds
Investors who wish to support the work of Stewards Canada while making a rate of return are issued bonds carrying a variable interest rate.
The rate on Stewards Canada Demand Variable Rate Bonds effective January 1, 2024 is 4.5% paid semi-annually. The bonds are redeemable at any time at the discretion of the bondholder. For more information, please read the Offering Memorandum.
If you wish to invest in Stewards Canada bonds, please contact us here.
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (“RRSP”)
Stewards Canada operates an RRSP, registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, for Christians who want to invest for retirement and obtain a receipt for reducing their taxable income. This is a unique investment opportunity that allows for a steady pension investment return, backed by mortgage-based securities.
The rate of return of the Stewards Canada RRSP for the past ten years has been as follows:
• 2023 calendar year – 4.06%
• 2022 calendar year – 4.51%
• 2021 calendar year – 4.53%
• 2020 calendar year – 4.79%
• 2019 calendar year – 5.18%
• 2018 calendar year – 5.85%
• 2017 calendar year – 5.29%
• 2016 calendar year – 5.3%
• 2015 calendar year – 6.13%
• 2014 calendar year – 5.42%
For those who wish to contribute to a Stewards RRSP, funds can be contributed directly, or can be transferred to a Stewards RRSP from existing plans with other sponsors.
RRSP Application: RRSP application
RRSP Transfer form: Transfer form
Beneficiary form: Beneficiary form
Stewards Canada has four funds sources which are used to make mortgage loans. They are:
Tax Free Savings Account (“TFSA”)
Stewards Canada now offers a tax free saving account program, registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, for Christians who want to invest in a TFSA. The funds are invested in church mortgages similar to our bond, RRSP and RRIF funds.
The rate of return of the Stewards Canada TFSA since its original offering in 2020:
• 2023 calendar year – 4.47%
• 2022 calendar year – 4.28%
• 2021 calendar year – 4.06%
• 2020 calendar year – 3.20%
Once a TFSA account has been established, funds can also be transferred from an existing TFSA with other financial institutions. Please contact your financial institution. The contact information for Stewards that will be necessary, would be Stewards Canada, PO Box 1, Orono, ON L0B 1M0
TFSA Application: TFSA application
TFSA Transfer form: Transfer form
Beneficiary form: Beneficiary form
Please note these forms are Fillable & Printable PDFs
Registered Retirement Income Fund (“RRIF”)
Stewards Canada also operates an RRIF, registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, for Christians who want to begin withdrawing periodic payments from their previously-invested RRSP funds. The Stewards RRIF is also backed by mortgages which support the growth of Brethren assemblies and church. The Stewards RRIF enjoys steady growth and is not subject to the fluctuations common to equity markets.
The rate of return of the Stewards Canada RRIF for the past ten years has been as follows:
• 2023 calendar year – 5.15%
• 2022 calendar year – 5.04%
• 2021 calendar year – 5.08%
• 2020 calendar year – 5.2%
• 2019 calendar year – 4.24%
• 2018 calendar year – 4.79%
• 2017 calendar year – 5.28%
• 2016 calendar year – 5.2%
• 2015 calendar year – 4.86%
• 2014 calendar year – 3.47%
RRIF Application: RRIF application
RRIF Transfer form: Transfer form
Successor form: Successor form
RRSP & RRIF Service Fees
Stewards Canada’s RRSP and RRIF funds each have an annual administrative fee of 0.5%, which is the same as fiscal year 2023. The registered funds will each be charged 0.1% in February, March, April, May, and June of 2024.
Stewards Canada resources
Please note these forms are Fillable & Printable pdfs
Information on RRSPs and RRIFs provided by Canada Revenue Agency
Frequently asked questions
If you are interested in investing in Stewards Canada bond, please contact us. See the information on the Contact page.
How can I invest in Stewards Canada bonds?
The current rate is 4.5% per annum paid semi-annually. This rate is periodically reviewed by the Stewards Canada Board of Directors to ensure that it is competitive with financial market conditions. You have a choice of receiving an interest cheque semi-annually (July and December) or of leaving the interest earned to compound. You are asked to choose between these two methods.
What is the interest rate that you will pay me if I invest in Stewards Canada Demand Variable Rate Bonds?
If you contact us by mail or email, we will immediately send you whatever monies you require. Generally, you will have your funds within two weeks of requesting them.
What if I need money from my bonds? Must I wait to receive it?
Your investment is backed by first mortgages on church properties across Canada. Mortgages are issued only when all the Stewards Canada stringent investment criteria are met.
How secure will my investment be?
Stewards Canada has been serving churches in Canada for over sixty years, offering private demand bonds to the congregations of Christians in the Brethren and other local churches across Canada. During that period we have been faithful in paying every semi-annual interest payment immediately following the period end.
Have you ever missed an interest payment?
Review the information on the Home Page of this website. If you are still interested, complete the RRSP application and the Beneficiary form and send it along with your cheque to the address on the Contact page.
How can I invest in a Stewards Canada RRSP?
Review the information on the Home Page of this website. If you are still interested, complete the RRIF application and the Beneficiary form and send it along with your cheque to the address on the Contact page.
How can I invest in a Stewards Canada RRIF?
We heartily recommend that all Stewards Canada investors consult with their own legal and financial advisors to ensure that it is suitable for the particular applicant.
How do I know if a Stewards Canada investment is right for me and my personal financial circumstances?
Yes. Our financial statements, including all bondholder accounts, are audited annually by an independent Christian Chartered Accountant. If you wish to review our audited financial statements, they are available upon request.
Is Stewards Canada audited by independent chartered accountants?
The Canadian Christian evangelical community has a very good reputation for repaying loans. Our experience is that most Stewards Canada mortgages are repaid before their termination date.